Meet MRCC in Dubai

We are excited to announce that MRCC Solutions is visiting Dubai in October. We look forward to strengthen our bonds with the local Training and Development companies in Middle East and wish to reach out to companies across all industries to fulfil your IT and Training needs.

MRCC is a global provider of end-to-end information technology services since 1996. We have a portfolio of delivering more than 500 successful engagements till date. We openly invite you to share your business ideas and hurdles with us.

Our team is in Dubai from 2nd to 5th October, 2017. During our stay, we will be available to meet companies to discuss their requirements and challenges in the following areas:
  • ·         eLearning
  • ·         mLearning
  • ·         Software Application Development, Maintenance & Support
  • ·         Oracle Services
  • ·         QA Services
  • ·         24/7 IT Staffing Support

We will be honoured to have you as our guests @ Work 2.0 on 3rd and 4th October, 2017, Le Meridien Conference Centre, Dubai. You will find MRCC at Stand 200. We can send you passes if you are interested. While you are there, don’t miss the Tech-Talk on Gamification being delivered by our COO, Mr. Jayanta Sen on 4th October.

Alternately, we could come down to your office for a detailed discussion on how MRCC can solve your Training & Development challenges and help you with your overall learning strategy.
Write in to us at to schedule your meeting or get a pass for Work 2.0.

We look forward to connect with you!


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